Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas apps for iPhone and iPad

Christmas games available on the net are a wonderful way for children to have fun and at the same time develop new skills such as analytical and computer skills. When games are extended to include family or friends it increases quality time shared and builds relationships. Also researchers confirm that playful activities benefits children in a number of ways including: helps develop problem-solving capacity, when engaged with a parent increases trust in the parent, allows them to express new emotions and builds self-confidence.
There are many game sites on the internet that offer a huge variety of free Christmas games that will keep the little ones entertained for hours! Here are 4 top sites featuring free Christmas games for children:
1. Kaboose - This is a fantastic site with many games to choose from. Here is a look at some of the more popular fun games they have on offer: "Super Santa's Ski Jump" Control Santa's speed and style as he jumps to collect the stars!! "Evil Elves" are trying to sabotage Santa and his trusty reindeer by sneaking presents out of his toy shop. You¹ve got to stop them or there will be no presents for anyone! "Winter Holidays" enjoy three different word search games with words themed to Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Website address:

2. A Kids Heart - This site offers games that also include Christmas cross word puzzles and Bible verse activities. There are many games which are particularly suitable for very young children such as "Dress Up Elves" and "Decorate a Christmas Tree" where children have fun dropping and dragging parts with their computer mouse. A most popular fun game is "Break-Out Christmas Greeting Game" where children use the paddle to keep the ball bouncing until it breaks all the brick and reveals a special Christmas greeting. They are easy to play and it's lots of fun! Website address:
3. The Santa Lady website - Here is a site with a twist - internet games and interactive home play games where you have to print out and then follow the instructions such as "Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt". You have to take sheets of paper and a pen and as a family head off on a Christmas excursion around the block in a kind of "find and seek" game looking for Christmas decorations. There are also games that the whole family can play together at home such as "Christmas Card Game" a wonderful family game to play together. There are also some free color-in pages children can print out and color-in for Christmas. Website:
4. - Here you can find educational game activities for children from pre-K to 3rd grade which includes learning letters, numbers and vocabulary all in the spirit of Christmas and fun! A really great site with interesting extra's on offer too such as their click the box "Naughty or Nice List" and their free "My Good Deeds Calendar". This is one which parents will want to print out and use as a tool to encourage good behavior and reward good behavior during the year. It is colorful and gives children a sense of accomplishment too as they mark off each days good deeds accomplished such as cleaned teeth, did all my chores, went to bed on time. On Christmas Eve, children can leave all their Good Deeds Calendars under the tree for Santa to see! Website:

As you can see there are lots of free games and activities for children on the internet. The variety is huge and parents can supervise and put aside time to spend as a family enjoying fun Christmas game time together too. A great way to do this is to print out a variety of games from the net and fold them up and put them in a hat. Each week you take it in turns to pull out a game that the whole family will play and enjoy together. Create great memories with the fun and magic of Christmas games!
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